Influencer-led affiliate marketing has emerged as a highly effective strategy for brands seeking to amplify their reach and drive sales. We unpack mechanics of influencer-led affiliate marketing, and the benefits for e-commerce brands during Q4 commerce periods.
24 July 2024 5 MIN READ
In a move that's shocked the digital landscape, Google has made a U-turn on blocking third-party cookies. What does it mean for influencer marketing?
23 July 2024 2 MIN READ
Influencer marketing took centre stage for the first time ever at this year's Cannes Lions festival. Stevie Johnson recaps the key insights.
25 June 2024 5 MIN READ
Learn about the influencer advertising regulations that creators and brands need to know when embarking on a partnership or collaboration.
09 April 2024 7 MIN READ
Discover what B2B influencer marketing is, why it's a growing part of the industry and the benefits it can have as part of your overall marketing strategy.
02 April 2024 11 MIN READ
To celebrate the return of the champions league, we invited Jemel to Disrupt’s offices for a special challenge with our very own AGT…
30 September 2019 1 MIN READ
There’s no doubt about it, this trial has been a big deal since it was rolled out across several countries in July.
21 August 2019 3 MIN READ
This comes after the photo sharing app was voted the worst social media app for mental health among 14-23 year-olds back in 2017.
18 July 2019 3 MIN READ
One thing that really rings true is the likeability and relatability of the influencers that people follow. If you follow someone because they're a bit of a train-wreck and fun to keep up with, it's unlikely that their next post featuring a product is going to really relate to you.
04 July 2019 3 MIN READ
When it comes to marketing with influencers, despite having fewer followers than their macro counterparts, micro influencers have endless value and potential for targeting old and new audiences alike.
25 June 2019 1 MIN READ
The interactive ad feature is Google’s attempt at gaining more ad attention in comparison to non-interactive formats.
21 June 2019 2 MIN READ